Monday, June 8, 2015

Resources for Tracking Symptoms

Here are some resources to help those with chronic pain keep track of their various symptoms.

1. Pain Mapping

This website primarily focuses on four types of pain Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy, back pain, and headache pain. It allows users with at least one of these types of pain to pinpoint the areas in which they feel pain, the intensity of the pain in each area, and the texture of this pain (throbbing, aching, shooting, etc.). Patients can print out this pain map to show it to their doctor or others.

2. Online Symptom checker


This website allows patients to put in their genders, ages, and health symptoms to receive ideas about what conditions they may have. Of course, this tool is no substitute for a doctor's advice and should not be considered a professional diagnosis. Yet, this website provides some useful suggestions and ideas that you may want to discuss with your doctor if you do not know which chronic pain condition you have. It provides some helpful information about each possible condition.

3. Online Pain Diary


This website provides an online pain diary that chronic pain patients can use to track their pain and the side effects of the pain. The website analyzes the information for patterns and organizes the
information into line graphs to make patterns of severity easier to detect. While this diary aims specifically at people with migraines, I feel that people with other conditions, such as Fibromylgia, could also use this website. Users must create an account to use this website.

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