Sunday, January 18, 2015

Surviving After the Holidays with Chronic Pain

Some Friendly Encouragement:

 January can be a tough time for people. The holidays have ended, and valued friends and family members have returned home. However, I think this time of year can pose an even greater challenge to chronic pain patients.

As a Chronic Migraine patient and a college student, I struggle with returning to college after the holidays. My body rebels against the complete change in environment, and the different holiday food I ate starts to take a toll on me. As I write this post, I am sitting in a quiet, dark room, trying to calm down the migraine I have had ever since I returned to school. I feel certain that returning to work or even re-establishing a daily return can also aggravate chronic pain. 

If you are going through anything similar,
you have my empathy. I wish I could give you a step-by-step list on how to decrease the post-holiday pain, but I cannot. I can, however, offer you some friendly support in the form of my favorite quote.

As Anne Bradstreet, who suffered her own fair share of illness and pain, once stated:

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."

At least to me, this quote means that hard times can make us a stronger person, that the overwhelmingly painful days help us to cherish the better ones. I hope you will all remember this whenever you feel discouraged by your pain.

If anyone has any thoughts on this quote, or if you have a question about this project, please feel free to leave a comment. Does anyone else have any favorite quotes, words, or phrases that helps motivate them when dealing with chronic pain?

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