
If you are an adult with chronic pain, I encourage you to consider taking my survey. You may find my survey at this link:

The consent letter is enclosed below, as well as in my survey.

Thank you.

           I, Leah Alsaker, am conducting a research project entitled "Creative Coping with Chronic Pain" as part of an honors independent study project at South Dakota State University. The purpose of the study is to research and examine the possible use of writing and literature as a coping device for those who suffer from chronic pain.
You, as a member of the chronic pain community are invited to participate in the study by completing this online survey. This survey is open to participants 18 years of age or older. I realize that your time is valuable and have attempted to keep the requested information as brief and concise as possible. It will take you approximately 5-10 minutes of your time. Your participation in this project is voluntary. You may withdraw from the study at any time without consequence or skip any questions that you do not wish to answer.
There is a slight psychological risk to you for participating in this study, as some of the questions may lead you to remember a time in which you felt isolated or misunderstood. While there are no direct benefits to you for completing your survey, this survey will add to the basis of information regarding coping with chronic pain, potentially helping the chronic pain community in the future.
Your responses are strictly confidential. When the data and analysis are presented, you will not be linked to the data by your name, title or any other identifying item.
Please assist me in my research by clicking submit if you decide to complete this survey.
Your consent is implied by the submission of this completed survey. You may want to copy and paste this consent form into a document for your own personal reference. If you have any questions, now or later, you may e-mail me at, or call me at the number below. Thank you very much for your time and assistance. If you have any questions regarding your rights as a research participant in this study, you may contact the SDSU Research Compliance Coordinator at 605-688-6975,

Leah Alsaker
Meadows South Apt 212 Room A
Brookings, SD 57007

This project has been approved by the SDSU Institutional Review Board, Approval No.: IRB-1412007-EXM

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